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Friday, March 19, 2004

Well I blew it. The market opened weak and stayed there. I sold all the options for losses. What was profitable on wednesday and again on thursday, I sold for losses on friday. No discipline. Had a workable plan and did not stick to it. It has happened far too often than it should. The bounce occurred, I was there for it and lost. What are the answers? If you can't make money on set-ups like that, when can you? Once in a blue moon when you luck out? It is a very difficult game. There is no room for stupid mistakes. It's expensive, you're trading real money. Your own money that you could have done something else with and not gone through the mental anguish. I have now followed up a horrible trade in GE with an even worse effort with the OEX. I had way too much money in the GE thing. Twice as much as I was willing to risk because I fucked-up the entry at 2 different accounts. Then when GE announced they were buying something by issuing over 100 million new shares, I was dead. No bid all the way through expiration. I compounded the loss by having too much money in the trade. Foolish, stupid and only an idiot would do such a thing. The OEX trade, I have already explained. Bought one call early, then minutes afterwards the bombing in Spain happens. I mean you can't plan for these events but they happen and you take your lumps. The oversold bounce trade had to work, it did but I couldn't manage it properly. It had a 100% gain at one point for Gods sake. Maybe I am trying to hit the big winners too often. Maybe I should just take the profit when it's there. Maybe I simply suck and would be better off doing something else with my time. I mean how long can it go on like this? Maybe, just maybe I'm not good enough. I never have the discipline. It doesn't matter how much work is put in if you can't manage the trade. What is the point when the losses keep adding up? Where do I go from here? Even when I have nice profits, I inevitably give them back and more. I have already dug myself into a huge hole in the beginning of this year. What is the point I ask, what is the point? I will have to step back and re-evaluate this whole trading idea. The time has come for some honest assessment and answers. More this weekend, maybe...

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