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Monday, November 19, 2018

A downer to begin the holiday week as the Dow lost 395 points on good volume.  The advance/declines were 3 to 1 negative.  This will turn the summation index back down.  My prognosis for an up week for Thanksgiving will obviously be wrong.  The tech wreck continues and if the NASDAQ doesn't hold up right here things will get a lot worse.  My SPY December calls are now losers.  Even though there is plenty of time for this trade, my idea was to get out on strength this week.  That plan is now in doubt.  RUT got pounded today as well and it looks like more is on the way.  It appears that rallies are to be sold.  I'll wait to see what happens tomorrow but things for the bulls are looking bleak.  GE was off about 20 cents and the volume remains heavy.  Perhaps when the tax loss selling is over in December I'll take a look at buying some shares for the long haul.  Gold was up a bit and the US dollar was a bit lower.  The XAU and GDX were little changed on average volume.  Mentally I'm feeling OK.  It looks like we'll be heading lower here for the week.  I do not think that waiting for the G-20 summit and a resolution to the US vs. China problem to suddenly appear is the right strategy.  However that may be what I'm left with unless things turn around to the upside for the rest of the week.  The short term technical indicators are oversold but not completely blown out.  They do have room for more downside.  Perhaps I'll just take the loss tomorrow and call it a year.  It's something to ponder overnight.  Asia was higher and Europe lower overnight.  We'll keep an eye on the S&P futures in tonights trade. 

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