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Thursday, October 07, 2021

Interesting is the word to descibe todays session as the Dow gained 337 points on light volume. The advance/declines were better than 2 to 1 positive. The summation index is trying to turn up. We had a gap higher at the open adn the market took off to the upside. The Dow was up around 550 points during the session. But then selling came in the final two hours. The S&P 500 had broken out to the upside from its down trend line only to end the day back at the line. So that line is still in effect but that could change with another up day tomorrow. I did purchase some SPY October puts this morning. They are showing a small profit. The stop loss order is in and it looks like tomorrow will be the key for this trade. If the down trend line remains an obstacle, the trade should work. We'll see. Gold was up a couple bucks on the futures. Interest rates rose and the US dollar finished little changed. The XAU added 1 2/3, while GDX was only up a slight fraction. Volume was about average but lighter than we've seen lately. Mentally I'm feeling OK. The VIX was lower today and closed below the 20 level. It also closed below its 200 day moving average. It seems to be saying that higher prices are coming. We'll get the employment report and market reaction tomorrow. There's a chance that the decline has ended and we'll know for sure with tomorrows price action. There's an equal chance that it hasn't concluded based on todays price action. So tomorrow will be an important day. I'm taking another chance on the downside and we'll see if that was the correct action this time around. Europe and Asia were higher overnight. We'll see how things go tomorrow.

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