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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sideways for todays session as the Dow gained 56 points on light volume. The advance/declines were positive. The summation index is still heading down. New all time closing highs once again for both the NASDAQ and the S&P 500. The S&P remains short term overbought. Overdue for some type of decline but perhaps the positive expiration bias is in effect. I got stopped out of my SPY June put trade for a 40% loss. Sideways price action only erodes the option premiums especially with only two days to go in an option cycle. I took my chances here and lost. Also threw good money after bad when the first trade yesterday didn't work. We deal with probabilities in this game and this time they just didn't work. I'll regroup and look for the next idea but I am on a losing streak. Nobody enjoys that. Gold was up $15 on the futures today. The US dollar finished flat and interest rates were lower. The XAU was up 1 3/4, while GDX gained 1/2. Volume was pretty light again. Mentally I'm a bit distracted as there was a water leak on my property today that had to be dealt with. The market doesn't care. The VIX was lower today and that fits a positive overall market. The short term indicators are oversold but not extremely so. Tomorrow is a holiday in the US. Europe and Asia were higher overnight. We'll see how it goes on Thursday.

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