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Thursday, June 20, 2024

A mixed bag as trading resumes in the US as the Dow gained 300 points on light volume. The advance/declines were slightly negative. The summation index is still trending lower. Both the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 posted losses on the session. Some type of decline is very overdue for these indices. I'll do my best to forget that the selling today comes after I sold my SPY put trades for losses. One day doesn't make a trend as the SPY remains short term overbought. Option expiration tomorrow and I'll let that pass as we roll into the July option cycle. I'm still on the side of the SPY puts but the premiums for July will be high. Gold was up $26 on the futures. The US dollar was up and interest rates were slightly higher. The XAU gained 3 1/2, while GDX added 7/8. Volume was average. The short term indicators for GDX have turned up and GDX finished at its 50 day moving average. It's entirely possible that I've missed the chance at the GDX July or August calls but we'll have to see where things go from here. There is a short term down trend line for GDX that comes in at the 35 level. We're almost there. Mentally I'm feeling a bit distracted as outside issues are fogging up the focus that is necessary. There is also preparing to deal with the shutdown of the trading platform that I use and having to move to a new one. The VIX was up today and that fits with an overall lower market. The short term indicators have turned up with room to go which would imply more selling in the near term. Perhaps expiration Friday will provide some fireworks. Asia was mixed and Europe higher overnight. We'll keep and eye on tonights developments.

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