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Thursday, June 06, 2024

It did end up as a day of hanging around as the Dow was up 79 points on light volume. The advance/declines were slightly negative. The summation index is trending sideways to slightly lower. Both the NASDAQ along with the S&P 500 finished with very small losses. So it is still a mixed picture for stocks. Basically sideways trading on the day. The S&P 500 is short term overbought and up against the upper Bollinger band. That probably means that it will be tough to go very much higher from here in the near term. So perhaps the reaction to tomorrows jobs report won't be a positive one. But that's just a guess as the market goes where it wants. Gold was up $15 on the futures. The US dollar was slightly lower and interest rates were flat. The gold shares came to life as the XAU gained 4 1/2, while GDX climbed almost 1 1/4. Volume was good to the upside which is a positive. The short term indicators for GDX are now pointing up with room to go. My GDX June call trade that I wasn't so sure of at the entry is now showing a decent gain. However there are still a couple of weeks left in the June option cycle so the management of the trade from here is what will determine the ultimate outcome. For now the 50 day moving average for GDX has proven to be support. Mentally I'm feeling OK. The VIX was slightly lower today. Not yet short term oversold here on the indicators. Seems like we've been waiting all week for tomorrows employment report. It should provide at least the early market direction. I certainly don't know what to expect the reaction to be but stocks have been acting well lately. Europe and Asia were higher overnight. We'll close out the week tomorrow.

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