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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Some pre-holiday selling today as the Dow fell 138 points on light volume. The advance/declines were positive. The summation index is still trending up. Inflation data came in where expected. I did place an order for the SPY December puts overnight but it wasn't filled. I have since canceled it. The NASDAQ led the way lower and that is not a positive. The short term indicators for the S&P are starting to curl down but remain in overbought territory. A holiday tomorrow followed but a shortened trading session on Friday. I will probably revisit the SPY put idea at some point next week. Gold was up $17 on the futures. The US dollar was lower and interest rates ticked down. The XAU and GDX had slight fractional moves one way or the other on light volume. Once again gold itself was higher and the gold shares didn't do anything. We might have to pass on trading GDX for now. Still mid-range for the short term indicators there. Mentally I'm feeling OK. The VIX finished little changed and remains short term oversold. Perhaps a double bottom is forming there but we won't know for sure as the VIX could simply continue to move lower. Nothing left to do now except enjoy the long holiday weekend. Asia up with the exception of Japan and Europe lower with the exception of the FTSE. Happy Thankgiving everyone.

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