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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Dow roared to the upside as it gained 322 points on good volume. The advance/declines were 6 to 1 positive. The daily charts look like a double bottom in the stock indices. We would have to break through 1200 on the S&P 500 with good volume for this to be valid. Hasn't happened yet. I'm still leaning towards the OEX puts if we rally for a few days. I don't think the summation index has turned back to the upside just yet. GE was up 1/3 on average volume. No hurry to trade there. Gold was the story of the day besides the earthquake on the east coast. It got hammered, down $30 on the futures and another $30 in the aftermarket. Could this be the end of the parabolic move to the upside that we've seen recently? Could be. The XAU fell 5 1/2. ABX down 1 1/3, GG lost 2 7/8 and NEM dropped 1 1/2. Volume was good. The dollar dropped a bit as well today as the flight to safety trade took a breather. My ABX calls are still in the black but they have lost a lot of their value today. I'm still a believer in holding on to this trade but if this weeks action continues negative for gold I'll have to reassess the situation. One day does not a trend make but it's only Tuesday. Mentally I'm feeling OK, could have slept better. It will be interesting to see if we get any follow through to the upside tomorrow or if this was just a one day wonder for the stock indices. Not much economic data out this week and we have Bernanke flapping his gums on Friday. I'm in a wait and see mode. As for the ABX trade, it's still showing a profit and there is plenty of time left before expiration. But if this is the start of a correction in gold, the trade will not turn out as planned. We'll see how it goes.

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