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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The big news today was the Greek bailout deal was approved, so perhaps that won't dominate the headlines for awhile. I doubt that the problem is really solved though. The Dow gained 15 points on light volume. The advance/declines were about even. The overall market was weaker than the Dow. Still overbought on the stock indices and still trying to move higher. GE was up 1/8 on light volume. We are breaking through the top of the trend channel today. However the volume wasn't all that great. I still am considering the GE March calls though. Gold was another story of the day as it gained over $30 on the futures. The US dollar was a bit lower. The XAU gained 5 1/3. ABX and GG up 1 3/8, while NEM rose 2 1/8. Volume was average. NEM is breaking above a declining tops line on the daily charts that has been in effect since November. That is a bullish sign. I'm a believer that gold will be moving higher in the short term. I bought some March ABX calls today. I am chasing the move here but I feel that in this case that it's warranted. I could be wrong. Mentally I'm feeling OK, slept well enough. I checked the charts over the weekend and thought that getting long the gold shares was the right idea for now. I do know that March is historically the worst month for the price of gold. I do not think that I'll be holding onto this trade until the March expiration. The gold share technicals have room to move to the upside and the Gold/XAU ratio signal was flashing a buy again this morning. So I decided to place the trade. We'll see what happens. The stock indexes continue to play the same tune. Higher prices despite being overbought on the technicals. Sooner or later they will need to take a much needed rest. I think that there will be buyers on any dips though. We'll see what happens overseas tonight and go from there.

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